Day Tours from Tiberias to Golan Heights & Galilee
Tours from TIBERIAS

Tiberias, Galilee & Golan Tours - form Tiberias, Tel Aviv & Jerusalem

Tiberias, Galilee & Golan offer an array of significant Jewish & Christian historical sites, along with a magnificent assortment of nature reserves, family fun activities & recreation. Tiberias, a lively city with a unique character, is situated on the shores of the Sea of Galilee, also known as the Kinneret. Its location, in the hearth of Galilee, makes it a perfect base with brilliant touring prospects to Tzfat, Upper Galilee & the Golan Heights. 

Take a day tour from Tiberias, from Tel Aviv or Jerusalem to the Galilee, but keep in mind that one day may not be enough for your total Galilee Experience... consider staying a night or two in the Galilee 

Experience "your" Galilee with
curious eyes and an open hearth!

See here list of Day Tours to Galilee & Golan departing from Tiberias  

A day tour going from Tiberias, touring sites around the Sea of Galilee, visiting Tabgah , Capernaum, Kursi, Jordan River & more...
A day tour going from Tiberias to the Golan Heights & Upper Galilee, a mountainous region, plentiful water sources, scenic treasures...
A day tour going from Tiberias exploring Jewish culture in Tiberias, Tzefat (Safed), Meron & Peki'in...
A guided family fun day in Upper Galilee including Manara Cliffs, Jordan River Kayaking, Dan Nature Reserve, Metula...
A free 2-hour walking tour of Old Tiberias leaves from the Tourist Information Center , across from the Sheraton Moriah Hotel.
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